I just got home from a multi day, bike packing trip through the Black Hills. It was an incredible journey that started in Wyoming and ended in Edgemont, SD. The story of that journey will come soon. Today, I simply want to talk about gratitude and re filling your proverbial cup.

If any of you reading this are long time Imaginegnat readers or followers you might now that the past few years I have been working pretty hard to get my health and fitness back to where I want them. One of my goals was to get back to multi day touring and exploration by bike. Taking this step to do this ride and route is/was a really big step and really big test for both my mind and body. I can’t even tell you how excited I am to have completed it. For me, finishing this route is truly an accomplishment that I will cherish and celebrate for a long time. However, it isn’t the main story. The main story lies behind the completion. The story is in the journey, the love, the support, the learning and my newfound sense of possibility.

I texted my wife at one point on the trip where I had cell service and shared this photo and the following words.

Sitting here in peace. Feel pretty good all things considered. Besides the thought that this is hard, THANKFUL is the overwhelming thought.

Starting your day with gratitude is something that is well documented, written about & discussed. I can honestly say that it works for me. When I get worked up, I close my eyes and go to gratitude. This trip provided me the space to sit in a peaceful, beautiful place and reflect. I am so thankful for the love and support of my wife, my kids and my friends. I am thankful for my supporters and friends that tell me I can do it. I am so thankful to have the opportunity to ride my bike in such a beautiful land. I am so thankful my friend Tim built this route and took a chance by inviting me to go with him. I am so thankful that I have been able to work my health back to where I am at. I am thankful to my friends at Tumbleweed Bicycles that sent me the demo bike to thrash (sorry about the scratches!). I am so thankful that even though I am aging, I continue to learn and seek. I am thankful that my dreams continue to get bigger and look further out despite my age. Honestly, I could go on and on. So much to be thankful for. True gratitude.

I would not have found this level of gratitude had I not pursued my dreams and refilled my proverbial cup with the things that bring me joy and fulfillment. I encourage each of you to seek those things out and refill your own cup. While my recipe isn’t necessarily your recipe, finding peace and joy and seeking gratitude is powerful no matter your situation.

And with that I leave you with one fun photo. A sign to tell you there are no signs? Or no sign language allowed? Who knows?

Thanks all and a shout out to Tim. Thanks for the journey my friend! More to come.

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