It seems that my writing and posting has been not as frequent of late. I’d say that is true and likely a reflection of the internal battle I have having with myself. I need to write this stuff down to get it out and move forward.

The image shared in the header and below is a real life metaphor for what I have been feeling of late. Using my previous post, Goal Achieved, as an example, I find myself wondering what is next and needing to set some new goals? That wonder and drive to find what is next is something that has always driven me forward. It’s gotten me through some rough times throughout my life. It allowed me to slog through shit in my career and life even when there wasn’t a clear path forward.

The other side of the coin, the other hand, or the other edge of the sword is also true. Not having those goals often makes me uncertain and frustrated. I’ll be honest, the last two weeks have been not awesome. “Meh” comes to mind. It’s time to get by that.

This morning, I looked back in an exchange with a friend spurred by a post written earlier this year. I wrote down a list of things that I use to guide, drive and move me forward with clarity and with purpose. It is at times like this when the path forward that I need a list like this more than ever.

I’ve shared bits and pieces about this kind stuff in the past, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually shared this comprehensive of a list about the internal mechanisms I create and use to find paths forward that are constructive. Since sharing, I have continued to refine it.

  • Move – This means both physically and mentally. Sedentary is death. Quite extreme I know, but that is what I need for my personal motivation.
  • Stop wasting money/time on things that are not moving me forward. 
  • Solve/take action every day on a problem/task/roadblock that I am festering on. When I fester, I don’t take action. I don’t move. I stall. This point pretty much always involves reading, listening and learning too.
  • Control what I can control – While I can’t control external things, I can control my response and my viewpoint.
  • Gratitude always and practice it every day
  • Create every single day. Note – This could also be replaced by Learn sometime thing new every single day. They go hand in hand.
  • Say yes more – A common theme I read often is about saying no. This is targeted at managing commitments and setting boundaries. That isn’t my issue and while I am in introvert, moving to working from home during Covid and then leaving my lifelong career has pretty much pushed me to the edge of boredom. I need the social interaction and stimulation. I need people. I need a community.

In the spirit of honesty, I often fail at one or more of these things daily. I am human after all. That’s where the gratitude and grace come into play. It’s one day. It’s one decision. Own it and move on.

OK…Enough seriousness. While I don’t currently have a bicycle related goal in mind, I do have some fun news to share that I am re investing in my Iceworm MFG brand. I have some new products coming very shortly. I am excited to get this moving in a more professional direction as opposed to a hobby making stuff for me and a few people I’ve built relationships with. This is something I am spending a bunch of time on of late. More to come soon.

Until then, here are a few pictures from the last month. I’m a bit bummed that we had both kids home on Father’s Day and got zero pics. Oh well….Here are a few from the month.

And I continue to experiment with formatting. This is part of my creating everyday theme. Not claiming these are amazing or anything. But to be honest, you need to experiment and have fun to get to amazing and great. Just a few pictures from my recent Black Hills tour!

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